BodyMind Therapy

BodyMind Therapy

A newly opened massage and counselling studio with an emphasis on conscious touch, therapeutic approach and meditative experience.

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About Me

BodyMind Therapy

While working in the corporate world, I spent hours at the computer, on business trips, in a performance-focused environment. I enjoyed the work, but the constant stress began affecting my health. That's when I started studying craniosacral therapy.

Through it, I helped myself, first as a client and therapist simultaneously, later helping many people around me who were going through difficult periods with overload, insomnia, feelings of burnout, poor sleep, or digestive issues.

I enjoy approaching each client individually and addressing exactly what troubles them.

The goal of my work is to initiate and integrate healing processes, creating a space for meeting with inner peace, body, and mind.

Education and certificates

  • Massage therapist for sports, classic and relaxation massages
  • Deep neck massage, cupping, lava stones
  • Conscious Touch Course
  • Craniosacral therapy facilitator -- Via Vitalis/Ulrich Hesse
  • Biodynamic Craniosacral training -- Lyons Institute
  • Kunye Tibetan massage techniques


Come and experience something special that will help your body and mind. Each treatment is unique and tailored to your current needs.

Body Mind Therapy

Body Mind Therapy

A comprehensive body treatment in a warm aromatherapy experience. Acupressure creases, hot oil, relaxation of the traps and hips, regeneration of muscles in tighter grips and lymphatic stimulation with a calm and gentle touch.

The needs of your body and mind change, so each visit may be a little different. So at the beginning we will talk about your individual needs at any given time.

Touch therapy

Touch therapy

Let yourself melt into a space of relaxation and safety. The therapy is based on the principles of craniosacral biodynamics and massage techniques. The first half of the therapy begins with a massage and melting into the hot oil, and the second half continues with a static but even deeper energetic cranio part. Together we will experience a deep stillness through which you can connect with yourself and your inner wisdom, giving space to the body's natural ability to regenerate and heal itself.

The structure may vary according to your current needs. Your nervous system will be grateful!

Kraniosakrální terapie

Craniosacral therapy is a holistic non-invasive manual therapy. It is related to the craniosacral rhythm induced by the production and absorption of cerebrospinal fluid. It emphasizes the combination of science and precise manual techniques with intuition and meditation.

Techniques address trauma issues after injury or surgery, migraines, hormonal and psychological changes, vision problems, pelvic joint problems, jaw joint problems, and mouth and teeth work such as during and after braces are removed, teeth grinding, etc. If you need more information about craniosacral therapy, please contact me .

It is recommended that you attend this therapy once every 3 weeks or on an individual basis.

Personalised massage

Personalised massage

Depending on the focus and needs, it is possible to add treatment with stones, flasks, Tibetan sticks, bags of hormas filled with herbs, shells, overheating with body candles or moxa, peeling with Himalayan salt. Time may vary by appointment. Please feel free to contact me for more info.


Na terapie se objednávejte přes Reservio. V případě jakýchkoli dotazů anebo v případě potřeby se poradit se mi ozvete na email [email protected].


Give the gift of peace and tranquility. Gift a BodyMind Therapy voucher to someone who really needs it.

Gift Voucher

One and a half hours of care

1450 Kč


Gift Voucher

Two hours of care

2000 Kč


Gift Voucher

Customized Massage (2 hours)

2200 Kč


Custom Voucher

If you would like a voucher of a different value, write to us and we will issue it for any amount.

Contact us


BodyMind Therapy

BodyMind Therapy

Jakubské náměstí 4, Brno

[email protected]

Opening hours

by appointment